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Wednesday 2 December 2020


 Camp Reflection

On our way to camp I thought we would be seeing a lot of bunk rooms, grass and animals. When we arrived and sat in the dining hall I thought "how are we all going to fit in her for breakfast, dinner etc." My friends Olivia, Jessica, Shreya, Arti and I walked to our cabin. I didn't like it at first because I thought it was small. When I thought about thought we didn't really need a lot of space because we wouldn't even be spending much time in there.

We had about 1 hour to settle into our bunks then we went for a 2-3 hour hike in the hills.

Tuesday 20 October 2020

Social Media Reflection

 My Media Reflection

Describe how to create a stop motion animation? What did you enjoy / dislike about the process? What challenges did you face and how did you overcome these? What would you change if you were to do it again? What other insights did you have while participating in Media Studies this rotation?

First, think of a theme. Then create a story idea. Create your first picture then make a small change, and take another picture. Keep on going until you finish your story. Would recommend choosing music after you've made your stop motion.

Something I enjoyed in media studies is working on the project with my friend Jessica. We had a lot of fun. I disliked the fact that it was just harder than I thought. Also I hadn't done anything like this before, so it was a bit confusing for me.

Some challenges I faced was timing the song with the speed of the pictures. That was because we tried to match our animation to the beat of the song. Also we didn't take enough pictures. To overcome this challenge we restarted and chose the music last.

If I did it again I would make much smaller changes and take a lot more photos.

Monday 12 October 2020

'The Cay' Moral

Last term in English we read The Cay.

The moral of the story that I understood from the themes of the book is...

"Friends can come in any shape and form".

I give the Cay (1-5 star rating) and my comment about the book is...

4/5, because I wish that there was more of an insight on their life after the war.

              The Cay by Theodore Taylor book review | Yakbooks                                   

Monday 21 September 2020

Chemistry Of Food

                 Honey Soy Chicken Skewers with Egg Fried Rice

1) What nutrients are in this?

Protein (chicken skewers, egg), carbohydrates (rice), vegetables (broccoli, carrot, red onion, capsicum), lipids (which would've been cooked with the egg, chicken or rice.) Fibre (broccoli, carrot, red onion), vitamins (broccoli, capsicum.)

2) Explain the process of digestion?

The process of digestion starts with Ingestion. Which is when you ingest the food in your mouth. Mechanical digestion involves your teeth masticating your food. Whilst, your saliva chemically breaks down your food using enzymes. Digestion starts with your chewed food moving down your oesophagus to your stomach. Your stomach produces hydrochloric acid to help beak down food. In your small intestines nutrients are absorbed from your food. Those nutrients are then sent to the liver to be filtered into waste. That waste is then stored in the rectum before egestion.

Dissecting the rat was fun and exciting for the most part. First, I was quite intrigued about the idea of dissecting a rat. It was something I hadn't done before. Once I saw the rat dead it took me aback for a moment. Just knowing that our bodies look something like that grossed me out. It was a very interesting experience and if I had the chance to do it again, I would.

Thursday 27 August 2020

Fab 4 literacy skills

The fab 4:

  Predict- What we guess will happen.

Question- Something you ask to find out information.

Clarify- To make clear something we don't understand.

Summarize- We shorten the key information into our words.

About my book:

Predict- In my book I predict that Percy Jackson will go back to his mum.

Question- Will they have to fight someone?


Monday 17 August 2020


Go to this link to watch this short cartoon - https://www.literacyshed.com/catchit.html

Scene One:  

At home

I can see a small space and dim light. It reminds me of the burrows I have seen on television that animals dig out as their home. I can see they are all huddled together sleeping so there is not a lot of room. The inside of the burrow is brown so it is dirt that has been dug under the ground.

Scene Two

 First activity of the day

The meerkats awake slowly. Then they all poke their heads out of their burrows. Immediately they scurry to a tree where they spot a rose berry. Instantly they fall in love and gaze amazingly.

`Scene Three:  

A feared enemy

A vicious vulture comes along and steals their prized possession (aka the rose berry), and flys away with it. Although the meerkats are not giving up.

Scene Four:

Enemies revenge

The vicious vulture swoops up with the rose berry tightly gripped in his hand. Still with hope one meerkat grabs hold of the vulture, with the others following on. They are kinda making a chain by holding on to each other. The vulture tugs and pulls to try and get them off, and succeeds.

Scene Five:

The Rescue

The rose berry is thrown into the air with them, just enough for the meerkats to claim it back. As the meerkats gain the rose berry back the vulture slams full body into the rocky wall.

Scene Six:

Sport nirvana

The meerkats had a little moment of team work, revenge and victory. So they passed around the rose berry to eachother.

Scene Seven:

The End

Sadly carrying on with the sport nirvana one of the meerkats kicked the rose berry in between two trees, scoring. For a split second the meerkats were so happy. Then unfortunately the rose berry hits the ground and splats in half. Slowly the meerkats eyes start to twitch and they look so devestated. Like they are going to burst into tears. Well, that rose berry lived an eventful life.

Tuesday 24th March | Roseberry Academy

Thursday 13 August 2020

Artist Street Art

BMD Thinks Safety is a Place Where Creativity Goes to Die ...

1) What is the significance of the objects and characters?

The artwork connects with our city very well because our city is changing like these penguins.

2) What is the significance of the colours used?

Well, the colours just remind us of where these penguins are. Also just reassures us that its cold there and the icebergs are frozen. Penguins are generally black and white and water is usually a shade of some kind of blue.

3) What is significant about the location of the artwork?

This artwork's location is in the city. Specifically, (corner of oxford terrace and Worchester boulevard, CBD Christchurch.) Since it is relating with our city it was very important to be in the city.